Evan Harrigan

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Hi! My name is Evan.

I want to apply my problem solving and computer science skills to software engineering to develop knowledge about the industry

I'm a recent computer science graduate from Georgia State University who enjoys web development and exploring new technology



react react react react

WikiBattles is a web application that allows users to challenge each other with game modes that use page data from Wikipedia. The site features a responsive front-end built with React, HTML/CSS, and Bootstrap. The backend was engineered with Node.js, Express, and Socket.IO to create game lobbies and integrate Wikipedia APIs.

view website here

Trip Planner

react react react react

Trip Planner is a web application that allows users to create and plan trips. I developed a responsive front-end with React, Leaflet, Bootstrap, HTML/CSS. I engineered a back-end with Node.js and Express and integrated APIs to geocode, find nearby attractions, extract images and text from Wikipedia. A MongoDB cluster is used to store trip and user data.

view website here

Graphical Password

html css js python flask sqlite

Graphical Password is a web application login system that uses images selected in a specific order as a user's password. I developed an accessible front-end with HTML/CSS and JavaScript. I designed a back-end using Python/Flask and SQLite for URL routing and managing data.

Stellar Classification


Developed a series of machine learning algorithms to be applied to astronomical data to classify objects in space as stars, galaxies, or quasars. I explored neural networks, support vector machines, and random forest classifiers.


My skills are always growing and im excited to add more to this list


Thanks for taking the time to get to know me. Here's a few more things about me

I like baseball ⚾
- my favorite team is the Cardinals
I like video games 🎮
- my favorite games are Apex Legends and Path of Exile
I like astronomy 🌌


Phone: +1(314)-497-0314
LinkedIn: evanharrigan1